See which Race games made it onto Carla's and Melanie's top 9.
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facebook: Red Deer Board Game Fanatics
{00:01:59] Broom Service
[00:05:13] Circadians First Light
[00:07:56] Fun Facts
[00:10:10] Harry Potter Hogwarts Battle
[00:11:45] Flickem Up Dead of Winter
[00:13:11] Nictophobia
[00:15:13] Pocket Detective
[00:18:50] Tempura
[00:19:03] Miaui
[00:19:11] Kodoma the Tree Spirit
[00:21:17] GIPF Series
[00:21:45] Abandon All Artichokes
[00:22:40] dale of Merchants
[00:26:27]Piraten Kapern
[00:28:57] Girating Hamsters
[00:32:49] Can't Stop
[00:35:58] Dr. Eureka
[00:37:40] Euphoria
[00:41:28] Jamaica
[00:45:56] Port Royal
[00:49:03] Long Shot yhr dice game
[00:51:05] Space Base
[00:56:23] Camel Up
[00:59:15] The Quest for El Dorado
[01:02:40] Formula Motor Racing
[01:05:03] New York Zoo
[01:08:31] Steampunk Ralley
[01:14:06] Nova Luna/Framework
[01:16:35] Downforce
[01:19:46] Istanbul/Istanbul the dice game
[01:23:50] Formula D