This week we do not have a top 9. We are about to attend a boardgame convention this month in a few short weeks and wanted to have a Q&A episode with Arsan instead who is running this event.
How did it come to be? What's involved in running a Con.
You can find Melanie at...
YouTube: Mel's Board Game Room
Instagram: mels_boardgame_room
Facebook: Mel's Board Game Room
You can find Carla at...
Instagram: boardgamespecialist
Facebook: Red Deer Board Game Fanatics
[00:01:15] Tickwt to Ride
[00:01:48] Wonderlands War
[00:02:45] Planet Unknown
[00:04:39] Merlin
[00:06:20] Nicodemus
[00:08:00] inkling
[00:09:47] Abandon All Artichokes
[00:11:48] Just One
[00:12:52] Cash and Guns
[00:13:59] NoThanks
[00:15:24] Stupid Death
Questions for Arsan
[00:18:00] How you got into the gaming hobby
[00:23:50] Favourite mechanism
[00:25:46] Favourite game
[00:27:35] Where the name kefcon comes from
[00:28:50] How kefcon got started
[00:34:57] the year kefcon started and attendence
[00:35:40] What to expect at kefcon/canteen options/vendors
[00:45:10] Tips for starting your own convention
[00:53:16] Any other events planned
[00:55:14] Library or bring your own games
[00:58:58] The future of Kefcon
[01:05:26] How to register for Kefcon