Carla and Melanie list their favorite spooky themed games.
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Facebook - Mel's & Friend's Board Game Room
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Facebook- Red Deer Board Game Fanatics
[00:01:27] Everdell Newleaf
[00:04:08] Dog Park
[00:06:52] Creature Comforts
[00:07:03] Foundations of Rome
[00:07:22] Bag of Chips
[00:10:26] New York Slice
[00:11:46] Tempura
[00:14:37] Pina Pirata
[00:16:06] Miaui
[00:18:13] The legend of the Cherry Tree
[00:21:08] The Walls of York
[00:23:95] Wooly Wars
[00:23:35] Pizza Party
[00:24:05] Fleet the dice game
[00:25:49] Naramata
[00:26:17] Ghost Blitz the dice game
[00:29:43] Noctophobia
[00:33:13] Nightmare Horror Adventures:Welcome to Crafton Mansion
[00:36:32] Medium
[00:39:56] Mysterium
[00:43:44] Deception Murder in Hong Kong
[00:45:40] Flickem up Dead of Winter
[00:49:35] Crave
[00:52:06] Fallout
[00:56:39] Run Fight or Die Unloaded
[01:00:05] Arkham Horror the card game
[01:03:33] Broom Service
[01:07:22] Terror Below
[01:09:38] Dead of Winter
[01:14:53] Pandemic Reign of Cuthulu
[01:19:46] Phantom Ink
[01:23:56] Alien Fate of the Nostromo
[01:25:53] Mysterium Park
[01:29:21] Mansions of Madness 2nd edition
[01:33:15] The Bloody Inn
[01:37:16] Betrayal at House on the Hill