In this episode Carla and Melanie talk about what is essential to have in a game room.
[00:01:16] Great Weatern trail nd edition
[00:04:15] The Guild of Merchant Explorers
[00:05:54] Endangered: New Species
[00:07:40] Klask
[00:9:18] Discoveries:The Journals of Lewis and Clark
[00:9:54] Pandemic the Cure
[00:11:34] Heating/Cooling
[00:13:17] Dry erase pens/pens/paper
[00:14:29] Apprpriate snacks
[00:17:43] Music
[00:19:21] Variety of Games
[00:22:08] Snacks and Drinks
[00:23:08] Good Lighting
[00:24:51] Component Containers
[00:27:23] Dry Erase Markers
[00:28:59] Dice Trays
[00:31:40] Game Table
[00:32:51] Neoprene Mats
[00:34:57] Comfy Chairs
[00:35:44] Shelves
[00:42:54] Upgraded Components
[00:46:28]Stacked Meeples
[00:49:26] Table Mat/Player Mat
[00:51:20] Table and Chairs
[00:55:50] Decor (itsagal designs) board game signs