In this episode we talk about the top 9 games we like to play with our family in honor of Family Day.
[00:01:02] Gipf series
[00:01:25] Petrichor Collectors box
[00:02:19] Ex Libris
[00:02:58] Meadow
[00:03:30] Five Cucumbers
[00:03:40] Ohanami
[00:0 3:50] Ubongo Extreme
[00:04:27] Air Land & Sea
[00:05:29] Shifting Stones
[00:06:14] Radlands
[00:09:09] Vegas
[00:10:49] Camel Up
[00:11:03] Ten
[00:13:37] Splendor
[00:15:16] Downforce
[00:18:07] Oilmen
[00:21:29] Dice Poker
[00:23:16] Word Slam
[00:25:56] Lords of Vegas
[00:29:12] Evolution
[00:32.27] Evolution: Then Beginning
[00:32:40] Crokinole
[00:33:54] Happy Pigs
[00:37:30] Survive; Escape from Atlanis
[00:41:33] Formula Motor Racing
[00:44:15] Machi Koro
[00: 46:56] Bang the Dice game
[00:51:05] Ticket to Ride
[00:53:18] Machi Koro
[00:54:56] Codenames
[00:59:05] Formula D