Grant Collins graduated from Brigham Young University-Idaho with a degree in Accounting and is the director of People Operations at Nimbl. At Church he is currently an elders quorum instructor and has previously served as first and second bishopric counselor, Sunday School teacher, and elders quorum president.
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3:10 Introduction to Grant and his work and podcast, Giving is a Skill 7:00 People wait till they are rich or retired to get involved with giving. 7:45 How Grant got involved in philanthropy and giving 9:30 If giving is a skill how does one develop it? 11:50 The challenge with YSA members is that they aren’t seen as adults. We need to give people the chance to serve so they can grow. 13:45 How do leaders help people get involved? Set expectations and agreements before giving out a calling and then follow up with them to see how it's going and make sure that they are following through. 17:20 The misconception that young single adults are too busy. However, because of automation and working at home we actually have more time than ever but its being sucked up by social media and Netflix. We have to learn to distribute our time and pour back into our community. 21:30 Setting up infrastructure in a college YSA ward. Set up clear agreements and follow ups. Let people know what to expect and make sure they are ok with it. 22:45 How can we help students in a heavy career period to invite them into the grass roots giving experience that the church offers? 24:50 Don’t dismiss individuals that seem too busy. Continue to follow up with these individuals to serve. Maybe it’s not the right time to serve but maybe in two months it will be the right time. We can’t shame or guilt people into serving. Give them a choice and respect them. 30:30 We focus too much on people participating and doing a calling that we forget that the focus should be on gaining a relationship with Jesus. Help people with their conversion. 33:50 We shouldn’t be inventing callings so that people can serve. See the ward as a vehicle to make an impact in our communities. Make an impact outside of what is going on in church on Sunday. 35:35 Grant shares how they have been able to connect and bless the community and get young single adults involved in giving. It helps members feel connected and involved. 41:10 Making an impact beyond your ward and your calling. People don’t need a formal calling to be able to serve. Make connections with groups in the community and serve there. 45:45 All we need is Google to find projects and groups in the community. Leaders should find a way to connect with these groups. 47:30 The leader's role isn’t to solve the problems and bring the solution to the community. The leader's role is to find the problem, bring it to the community, and invite everybody to solve it. 49:10 YSA wards get treated like EFY. We need to give them space to solve problems and be involved. It shouldn’t be a hand-catered experience. 53:20 What if people could count on our word? How could it change their experience? 58:00 Instead of what wondering "What would Jesus do?" think of "Where Jesus would be?" If you know where He would be then you can understand better what He would do.
The Leading Saints Podcast is one of the top independent Latter-day Saints podcasts as part of nonprofit Leading Saints' mission to help Latter-day Saints be better prepared to lead. Learn more and listen to any of the past episodes for free at
Past guests include Emily Belle Freeman, David Butler, Hank Smith, John Bytheway, Reyna and Elena Aburto, Liz Wiseman, Stephen M. R. Covey, Julie Beck, Brad Wilcox,
Inviting People to Serve in Your Ward | An Interview with Grant Collins | Leading Saints Podcast - Listen or read transcript on Metacast