Cześć i czołem kluski z rosołem! You are listening to Polski Daily Stories and Talks podcast. I’m your host Paulina Lipiec and today I have a story for you. It’s a B1 story so I don’t know why I started in English but for those of you who are on lower levels – you can find a PDF with the transcript and footnotes with the most difficult words on my website.
Cześć i czołem kluski z rosołem! You are listening to Polski Daily Stories and Talks podcast. I’m your host Paulina Lipiec and today I have a story for you.
Before I start - I finally added the third ebook to Amazon! Now you can read total of 4 most popular stories on Kindle! The new one contains two stories. First of them is called “Być jak Polak” and it tells a story of Jason, American guy who got interested in Poland thanks to his childhood friend and goes to Poland to check out if it is really so amazing. The second story “Nie o takim życiu marzyłam” is a story of Maja, a young, ambitious woman who would do everything to escape from her poor country and pursue her career abroad. Will she succeed? Get the book and you will know 😊 If you are an old listener you had probably heard these stories before at least as podcast episodes. I fixed some typos, added footnotes so you can easily find the translations of the most difficult words and phrases on your Kindle.
The second information today is: we have literally one spot left in A2 speaking course (Wednesday at 4PM CET) which starts 21st of April 2021. It can be yours. Mail me at but if you are listening it in, who knows, 2079 while you are sipping your tequila on Mars, don’t mail me because I’m most certainly dead and the course is long over.
📑 Worksheets 🎵 Podcasts Transcripts 🗣️ Vocabulary Training 👂🏻 Listening Comprehension 🏃 Interactive Exercises 🧙♂️Stories 🏦 Bilingual Newsletter about Polish Culture 🎥 Film Club 👩🏫Grammar Club To