Let's talk about a service designer's favorite topic... measuring impact. Why is it so d*mn hard!? We'll get to that in a minute.
Of course, the idea behind measuring the impact of your work is smart. When done right, it helps you to stay on track. Make sure your efforts actually make a positive contribution. And show you if you need to redirect your efforts to something else.
But often, we find that many things inside organizations are measured because they are easy to express in numbers... not because they are the right indicators of success. And this is exactly the challenge we run into as a service design community.
Showing the impact of our work across an entire service or customer journey is not easy. But this shouldn't stop us from trying, right?
That's why in a recent Circle community session, we explored:
Tim Dekker hosted the conversation, and I invited Tim to share the highlights from that session with you.
--- [ 1. EPISODE GUIDE ] ---
00:00 Welcome to the Show
04:30 Why this topic?
05:45 Who is Tim?
06:45 What do we have to gain?
10:00 Stuck in the middle
12:30 Leading and lagging indicators
14:30 Justifying our value
16:30 Where are these metrics
19:00 Getting started
24:30 Building your CX dashboard
27:45 Who wanted to hear this
30:00 Visualize the outcome
32:00 Physical services
34:00 How do you sell it
40:00 Lessons learned
42:30 New questions
44:30 The illusion of control
45:45 Key takeaways
--- [ 2. CIRCLE ] ---
If you'd like to be part of these conversations as they happen rather than just getting the summary on the podcast, consider joining us in the Circle.