Journey mapping is reaching its limits. Sure, journey maps and mapping work fine at a small project or team level.
But it quickly breaks down when you want to organize around the journey, at a bigger company scale. In order to do this, you need something that goes beyond mapping. But before we dig into what that is, let's look at why journey mapping breaks down:
Now, this might sound strange, but I think these are good challenges to have.
The fact that these challenges are becoming more pressing is a sign. A sign that the demand for a journey-centric way of working is growing inside companies. Something that we've been hoping and advocating for all these years. So what is the next step...
How do you take your journey mapping game to the next level?
Well, that's what Jochem van der Veer and I explore in this week's episode. As you'll hear, Jochem has a unique close-up view of how companies use journeys inside their business.
Want to help your company organize around the journey, beyond a single project or team? This conversation will get you heading in the right direction.
What I found interesting is that we're seeing the contours of a new business approach and philosophy emerging. Makes me excited!
Enjoy the conversation and keep making a positive impact :)
- Marc
--- [ 1. GUIDE ] ---
00:00 Welcome to episode 167
04:45 Who is Jochem
06:00 Lightning round
08:30 Partnership with TheyDo
12:00 What is Journey Management
13:30 Mapping vs. management
17:15 Journey management stack
19:30 What is the problem
21:00 Product or service-centric
26:15 Maturity levels
32:00 Role of TheyDo
36:15 Governance
38:15 What is the right time
43:00 Journey Management Index
47:45 Closing thoughts
--- [ 2. LINKS ] ---
Assess your journey excellence maturity level. Find opportunities for growth. Benchmark yourself against your colleagues and competitors.