It's the magic ingredient (and blind spot)...Trust. It's not a topic that gets much attention in the service design space, but it's the secret sauce you need to get people on board with your ideas. Trust is the linchpin whether it's your colleagues, clients, or CEO.
That's why, in this week's episode, we dive into what it truly takes to cultivate a deep sense of trust with those around us. The good news? You likely already have all the skills required.
While trust is universally important, it's especially relevant for us as service design professionals. Most of the time, we do not control the budget or have full decision-making power. We're heavily reliant on partners to turn insights into action. It's fair to say that building partnerships is a daily necessity for effective service design.
The challenge (and frustration) arises when we struggle to secure genuine buy-in within these partners. Sure, we can get heads nodding in agreement when we present our plans or ideas. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. To make a real impact, you need people willing to invest their scarce time, money, and attention in your vision. That's the kind of buy-in that drives change.
And trust, both in you and your ideas, is the key to achieving this level of commitment. So, how do you go about building this trust?
Our guest in this episode, Dr. Heather Walker, has been guiding professionals on this very journey, and in this episode, she unveils the key skills needed to get buy-in for your ideas. She also sheds light on common pitfalls professionals encounter when pitching ideas and how to maintain resilience in the face of rejection or setbacks.
This conversation delves into aspects often overlooked in the everyday discourse around service design—knowledge you need to become a more mature, well-rounded, and influential professional.
I believe this episode couldn't have arrived at a better time. Heather is not only a knowledgeable expert but also deeply invested in your success. She's your biggest cheerleader.
Enjoy the conversation, and keep making a positive impact!
~ Marc
--- [ 1. GUIDE ] ---
00:00 Welcome to episode 185
07:15 Who is Heather
10:00 Lightning Round
17:15 Why it's on the agenda
23:00 Common mistakes in Buy-in
29:15 Why do we skip the why?
31:00 The consequences when you fail to communicate
35:30 Handling rejections
43:30 Figuring out your way to communicate
50:30 Influencing people in consuming information
57:00 Dealing with Disappointments
1:03:00 Celebrate your wins
1:06:30 Why you should celebrate your small wins
1:10:00 recommended resources
1:12:15 Piece of advice
--- [ 2. LINKS ] ---
--- [3. Selling Service Design with Confidence ] ---
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