This week we are joined by Sabrina Segal, an integrity, risk, and compliance advisor, with almost 20 years of experience in the public, private, and third-sectors.
In this episode, Not New, but Novel - Tackling Risk in the Third Sector, We take a look at the challenges facing the third sector when it comes to cybersecurity and technology risks. The third sector, which includes charities and non-profits, is often overlooked or underestimated when it comes to cybersecurity and risk management. But this sector faces unique challenges and opportunities that require a novel and holistic approach to risk.
Sabrina has a really refreshing take on risk and we will hear how she enables her clients to get to grips with what she calls ‘tolerable risk’ and why we can’t avoid risks, but we can reframe risks to not only identify threats but also opportunities. While at the same time, making sure everyone cares about risk, not just people with ‘risk manager’ in their title!
Key Takeaways:
Forget Risk Appetite and Risk Matrices - Embrace ‘risk awareness’ tailored to your mission and your organisation’s objectives
Identify Your ‘Tolerable Risk’ - Risk can’t be avoided but we can identify and work within our ‘risk tolerance’ for better informed decisions
Risk is a Two-Sided Coin - It’s not just about threats but opportunities too, and it’s much easier for people to get excited about opportunities than threats!
Don’t Greenwash Those “Charity Days” - Forget painting the fence, litter picking or sorting cans, instead donate your cybersecurity expertise for maximum impact
Risk Is Everyone’s Job - Ditch the ‘risk manager’ title and empower everyone to be a risk champion!
Links to everything we discussed in this episode can be found in the show notes and if you liked the show, please do leave us a review.
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We hope you enjoyed this episode - See you next time, keep secure, and don’t forget to ask yourself, ‘Am I the compromising position here?’
Keywords: third sector, risk management, cybersecurity, charities, non-profits, risk awareness, tolerable risk, cyber threats, data privacy, ethical considerations
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Sabrina M. Segal is an integrity, risk, and compliance advisor, international development and humanitarian assistance professional, licensed US attorney, and Certified Fraud Examiner with almost 20 years of experience in the public, private, and third-sectors.
Sabrina's focus is risk in the third-sector as the impact of risk management, when done poorly, can be devastating to both third-sector organizations and the beneficiaries they serve. Sabrina is an active writer on LinkedIn and hosts the Tolerable Risk podcast.
Sabrina’s LinkedIn
Sabrina’s Podcast, Tolerable Risk