Welcome to part two of our enlightening discussion with Matt Ballentine, Engagement Manager at Equal Experts.
In this episode, Lianne Potter and Jeff Watkins continue this conversation and dive deeper into the nuances of modern-day communication and work dynamics. Do we need to set new etiquette for engaging in conversations? How do we establish norms when our work environment is evolving?
Matt also shares insights on the importance of security in our workflow, the power of networking and the need for effective communication and some unconventional wisdom including our favourite thought experiment ever… what would Dolly Parton do?
Establishing New Norms for Work: Top Tips
1. Build Rapport: To establish new norms for work, you need to know who you need to influence and build rapport with them. Think about the language you use, ask for conversation, and set up a coffee club to create a comfortable environment.
2. Embrace Discomfort: Getting comfortable with discomfort is essential to establish new norms for work. Use metaphors to help address problems and think about what Dolly Parton would do to enable better ideas.
3. Be Inclusive: When off-shoring and outsourcing teams, think of the team as a whole. Be conscious of time zones and make people who are not in the room active participants.
4. Prioritise Communication: Establishing new norms for work requires prioritising communication. If it doesn't get prioritised, it doesn't happen. Avoid firefighting and focus on drills, learning, talking, and listening to create a comfortable and productive work environment.
Links to everything Matt discussed in this episode can be found in the show notes and if you liked the show, please do leave us a review and share on LinkedIin or in your teams, it really helps us spread the word and get high-quality guests, like Matt, on future episodes.
We hope you enjoyed this episode - See you next time, keep secure, and don’t forget to ask yourself, ‘Am I a compromising position here?’
Show Notes
The Victorian Internet: The Remarkable Story of the Telegraph and the Nineteenth Century’s On-Line Pioneers by Tom Standage
Copy, Copy, Copy: How to Do Smarter Marketing by Using Other People’s Ideas by Mark Earls
Smells Like Team Spirit by Nirvana
Britain Admits Defeat in Online Safety Bill Encryption Wired
The Laws of Mathematics Don’t Apply Here Says Australian PM New Scientist
About Matt Ballantine
Matt is a sociologist who has accidently found himself working in the world of technology for thirty years. Today he's an engagement manager for software development business Equal Experts, and previously he's held leadership roles at the BBC, Microsoft, Reuters, global marketing agency Imagination and London housing provider RHP.
In a parallel work universe he produces and presents a long-running technology management podcast WB-40, he's created a playing card deck to help inspire better innovation called PlayCards and most recently run a project to build a relationships through the medium of coffee (or tea).
Matt lives in South West London with his partner, two children and a small family of saxophones.
Links related to Matt Ballantine
His PlayCards: https://stamplondon.co.uk/
His Website: https://mmitii.mattballantine.com/
His Podcast: https://wb40podcast.com/