Our guests this week are Jim Murphy and Charlie Hill of T. Rowe Price’s Municipal Bond Investment Team. Jim leads the team and is portfolio manager for several high-yield muni strategies. Charlie, who has been at T. Rowe since 1991, manages several short and intermediate term municipal-bond funds. Morningstar’s manager research team rates T. Rowe Price’s municipal bond capability highly with several strategies carrying Gold medalist ratings.
T. Rowe Price Tax-Free High Yield PRFHX
T. Rowe Price Tax-Free High-Yield Advantage PATFX
T. Rowe Price Tax-Free Short-Intermediate PRFSX
T. Rowe Price Tax-Free Short-Intermediate 1 TTSIX
Municipal Bonds
“Reasons to Fall in Love With Municipal Bonds Right Now,” by Amey Stone, barrons.com, July 28, 2023.
“It’s Been a Poor Year so far for Municipal Bonds,” by Tim Gray, nytimes.com, July 18, 2022.
“3 Tax-Free Funds That Are Gems,” by Russel Kinnel, Morningstar.com, Sept. 11, 2024.
“Muni-Bond Niche Defies Sales Slump as Banks Seize on Cheap Rates,” by Nic Querolo and Sri Taylor, fa-mag.com, Oct. 22, 2021.
“Municipal Bonds: Where to Find Opportunities in a Volatile Market,” by Elizabeth Foos, Morningstar.com, Aug. 6, 2024.
“Build America Bonds (BABs): Types, Restrictions, Vs. Other Bonds,” by James Chen, Investopedia.com, June 8, 2022.
“Ed Slott: What Investors Need to Do Before the Tax Cut and Jobs Act Expires,” Interview with Christine Benz and Ed Slott, Morningstar.com, Feb. 6, 2024.