Our guest on the podcast today is Tim Ranzetta. Tim is the co-founder of the nonprofit Next Gen Personal Finance, which provides free curricula, professional development, and advocacy tools to more than 40,000 teachers who reach 75% of high school students in the U.S. The goal of Next Gen Personal Finance and its community of teachers is for all high school students to take at least one stand-alone one-semester course focusing on personal finance by the end of 2030. Prior to founding NGPF, Tim co-founded several companies, including Equilar, a compensation and corporate governance research firm; and Student Lending Analytics, a student loan research firm. He began his career as a management consultant at Bain & Company. He graduated from the University of Virginia with a Bachelor of Science degree in commerce and received his MBA at the Stanford Graduate School of Business.
Eastside College Preparatory School
What Works in Financial Education
Interactive: The Financial Times’ The Uber Game
“Financial Education Affects Financial Knowledge and Downstream Behaviors,” by Tim Kaiser, Annamaria Lusardi, Lukas Menkhoff, and Carly J. Urban, National Bureau of Economic Research, April 2020.
“Annamarie Lusardi: ‘Financial Education Works,’ ” The Long View podcast, Morningstar.com, Feb. 19, 2020.
Million Bazillion podcast
“Bringing Personal Finance to the Classroom for Generation Z,” by Ann Carrns, nytimes.com, March 18, 2022.
“The Truth About Day Trading,” by Ben Felix, YouTube.com, Oct. 24, 2020.
The State of Financial Education in the U.S.
“NGPF’s 2022 State of Financial Education Report,” ngpf.org, April 2022.
Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy
Council for Economic Education
“Financial Education Mandates 2022,” poll by National Endowment for Financial Education, nefe.org, March 17-21, 2022.
“What I Learned Reading the State Auditor’s Report About Financial Education in Utah,” by Tim Ranzetta, ngpf.org, Oct. 22, 2018.
Mississippi Department of Education: National Board Certification—Master Teacher Program
The North Carolina Council on Economic Education
Rhode Island Department of Education
The Most Important Class You Never Had, NGPF documentary
“Dan Otter and Scott Dauenhauer: Why Retirement Savings Options for Educators Are So Bad,” The Long View podcast, Morningstar.com, May 28, 2022.