Who is the Small Town Spanish Teacher? This new season of personal simple stories continues with the a description of the creator. “Soy” and “estoy” are often confused in Spanish because they both translate as “I am”, however, they are used in different situations. This episode answers the questions “¿Cómo estoy yo?” (How am I [feeling]?) with the emotions I feel in various circumstances. These emotions include frustration (estoy frustrada), anger (estoy enojada), boredom (estoy aburrida), nerves (estoy nerviosa), tiredness (estoy cansada), exhaustion (estoy agotada), confusion (estoy confundida), embarrassment (estoy avergonzada), worry (estoy preocupada), sadness (estoy triste), excitement (estoy emocionada), surprise (estoy sorprendida) and gratitude (estoy agradecida). This simple story features multiple repetitions of “estoy” and “soy” (I am) as well as many other comprehensible verbs in the “yo” (I) form.
You can find a transcript of the story and read along at https://smalltownspanishteacher.com/2020/07/27/simple-stories-in-spanish-como-estoy-yo/