This seventh season of Simple Stories in Spanish is updating some of my favorite episodes. Today’s remake is from Season 1, episode 3: Eduardo busca novia. It can be hard to wander through life alone, especially during the holidays. Eduardo the elephant searches for the perfect girlfriend. He doesn’t care how she looks - she doesn’t even need to be an elephant! He just wants someone who is nice, fun, and patient. However, as Eduardo discovers, those traits can sometimes be hard to find.
This story is written in the past tense and contains dialogue. Repeated words and phrases include “novia” (girlfriend), “novio” (boyfriend), “amable” (kind/nice), “divertido” (fun), “tímido” (shy), “valiente” (brave), “quería” (wanted), “compartir” (share) and “lo siento” (sorry). No matter where you are in your language journey, stories will help you on your way. You can find a transcript of the story and read along at