We do a lot of drawing with Kevin. In this episode we're looking at taking those drawing skills and adding them to instructional videos. There are a lot of methods for adding graphical elements to videos and we'll talk about a few techniques and concepts that can be very useful for instructional videos.
Kevin will be sharing some advanced video methods like converting your videos to animated gifs and rotoscoping. Gifs may not be viewed as possible instructional media, but we'll help you see them in a different way. We'll also be discussing why an instructional designer needs to understand video production terms like rotoscoping and others.
Advanced video concepts will level up your instructional videos by adding that element of pizazz that so many internal stakeholders and clients request. Summer is the perfect time to level up your production skills. We'll introduce these concepts and show you some examples.
Then we'll give you a challenge to learn one of these skills and create an example during the month of August while IDIODC is on a break. The next time Kevin joins us in the new season we'll be anxious to see what you've created.
Kevin is an award-winning eLearning designer & developer, consultant, and owner of NuggetHead Studioz, LLC., a boutique custom design and development studio specializing in online learning experiences.
After retiring from the US Army, Kevin pursued a career in corporate IT and Training & Development. With his combined military and industry experience, Kevin started the Studioz in 2012 working with clients in various industries solving problems in a wide-range of creative projects.
Based in the North Mississippi Delta, Kevin, the Chief NuggetHead harnesses a bench a creative practitioners in instructional design, elearning development, illustration and graphic design, animation, and serious comics. Kevin is a well-known industry speaker and trainer on elearning development, design workflows, and is also a certified facilitator in LEGO®Serious Play® methodologies.
Academic stuff: BS in Information Technology Management from Christian Brothers University (2003) and MS in Instructional Design and Technology from the University of Memphis (2018).
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Kevin: @LearnNuggets
Brent: @BSchlenker
Chris: @Chris_V_W
Brent Schlenker is dominKnow's Community Manager. Chris Van Wingerden is dominKnow's Sr. VP Learning Solutions.
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