Blockchain, NonFungible Tokens, Crypto, ethereum, and other terms are making their way into L&D. Welcome to Learning3: The L&D version of Web3. Nobody has any idea what it is, but we might as well start calling it what we always call these evolutions when they hit our industry.
All joking aside, now is a really good time to start having these conversations. L&D may not feel any real impact of Web3 for another 5 years or more, but some in our industry have already started experimenting with these new technologies.
Myra Roldan joins us as a guide in this important conversation. In her last appearance on IDIODC she shared a game she was creating that teaches about Blockchain. But in that conversation we talked a lot about the game and blockchain. In this conversation we'll attempt to cover a the larger topic of Web3. We'll talk about what Web3 is far as we know, and how it works.
Nobody knows what the future holds but we definitely know enough to start this conversation and discuss potential L&D considerations, use cases, and why we should even care.
Tune in for this important conversation and I promise we'll dumb down the techno-jargon as much as possible.
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Brent: @BSchlenker
Chris: @Chris_V_W
Brent Schlenker is dominKnow's Community Manager. Chris Van Wingerden is dominKnow's Sr. VP Learning Solutions.
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