Meeting your learners where they're at means delivering learning content outside of the traditional learning management system. And giving your users just the right information at just the right time in just the right amount is also a challenge. This challenge only increases as your audience grows to hundreds or thousands spread across the globe. Enter the chatbot.
Now that the world of work has been disrupted, with no sign of turning back, collaborative apps like Slack and Teams become a central point of collaboration and getting work done. Chatbots give instructional designers and developers a powerful tool for creating "sticky" training programs increasing your learner engagement.
In this episode, we'll talk with Vince Han about how these collaboration platforms incorporate chatbots. The chatbots are always "on" as reminders, a little nudge, a challenge, or even answering questions. The technology has come a long way in the last 10 years which means you can use API integrations to track progress and other important data. Vince will share some common use cases like training reinforcement, simple employee coaching, new hire onboarding, LMS course registration, and performance support.
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Brent Schlenker is dominKnow's Community Manager. Chris Van Wingerden is dominKnow's Sr. VP Learning Solutions.
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