In today's global economy instructional designers are increasingly needing to create learning solutions that meet the needs of many cultures communicating in different languages. For decades the answer was simply mandated within large companies requiring all employees anywhere in the world to understand English. Problem solved? Not so much.
Thankfully, modern technology solves the problem of multiple languages. And while we don't have any direct links to research, my guess is that most people learn best using their native language. It's one more way instructional designers can create inclusive, science-based solutions for more effective outcomes. But then the question becomes, how do we do that?
Mark Sheppard joins us in this episode to discuss these issues and share his experiences designing and delivering learning solutions for audiences requiring multiple languages. We'll talk about the many challenges and constraints instructional designers may face when encountering a multi-language project for the first time. He'll have a few tips and tricks to share, but we'd also love to hear from our IDIODC community.
Join us and share your thoughts on designing and developing learning solutions for multi-language projects.
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Chris: @Chris_V_W
Brent Schlenker is dominKnow's Community Manager. Chris Van Wingerden is dominKnow's Sr. VP Learning Solutions.
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