Now that you've been forced to train online for 2 months, you're probably wondering how to up your vILT (or virtual instructor led training) game. There are only a handful of virtual instructor-led training professionals I trust, because they've been doing it since long before the global pandemic. Karen Hyder is one of those professionals. She understands the technology, as well as the subtle, and no so subtle, tips for engaging your attendees. vILT is NOT the same as training in the classroom, as you've now likely discovered. Join us to discuss some of the common mistakes new virtual trainers make and the tips to improving your online training sessions.
"My goal is to teach those who are delivering training content online in a synchronous virtual classroom technology how to do it effectively. I've been working with trainers, subject-matter-experts, teachers, trainers, authors, accountants, sales staff, tech wonks and all of their learners for over 17 years. Their online learning sessions are highly interactive. Participants ACTUALLY participate. The benefits of using the technology are numerous. It's cheap, especially when compared to physical classroom, (incl. travel expenses, classroom space, etc.), it's accessible to anyone with a computer and internet connection and it's efficient." - Karen Hyder
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Karen: @KarenHyder
Brent: @BSchlenker
Chris: @Chris_V_W
Brent Schlenker is dominKnow's Community Manager. Chris Van Wingerden is dominKnow's Sr. VP Learning Solutions.
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