"You must ENGAGE your learners!" Have you heard anyone say that before?
Yep. Us too.
We've had a few guests talk about it on IDIODC in the past. And from those conversations we've learned about games, experiences, and making learning fun. But what, exactly, do we mean by creating "engaging learning"?
Dr. Clark Quinn joins us to talk about how we need to make our learning solutions meaningful to those experiencing them. He's well known for his writing on the science of learning and many other subjects. He wrote the book, "Learning Science for Instructional Designers". Dr. Quinn's next book, Make it Meaningful, focuses on how we Make it Meaningful.
He frames the first part of the book using a fishing metaphor:
"...the learners have to take the proverbial bait, becoming willing to start the experience. Then you need to reel them in, getting them from hook to net. It’s a matter of taking them through the experience successfully, carrying them through to the end of the experience, and achieving the outcomes."
He'll also share a design process you can all use to improve your learning solutions by Making it Meaningful.
Join us for this engaging conversation with Dr. Clark Quinn. You can find more about Dr. Quinn at his blog https://blog.learnlets.com/
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Brent Schlenker is dominKnow's Community Manager. Chris Van Wingerden is dominKnow's Sr. VP Learning Solutions.
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