There was once a day that instructional designers only selected ONE method of content delivery. Those days are long gone. With today's technology there are many, many, more options.
As new technologies came along the industry began to call it blended learning solutions. But how do we decide which elements to choose? This is where The Periodic Table of eLearning Elements can help.
"Brian Washburn offers a simple yet elegant periodic table of learning elements modeled on the original periodic table of chemical properties. Washburn's elements which are organized into solids, liquids, gases, radioactive, and interactive categories similar to their chemical cousins are metaphors for the tools and strategies of the field of learning design; when they're combined, and under certain conditions, they have the potential to create amazing learning experiences for participants. They are that impactful."
Join us for a fun and informative conversation around the elements and how we can all apply them to our eLearning designs.Bring your ideas, current projects, work situations, and see if you have a situation that requires a unique combination of elements to create that perfect compound solution.
Brian Washburn is the co-founder and CEO of Endurance Learning, a boutique instructional design firm that creates instructor-led and elearning courses with the vision that every training program should be engaging and lead to change. Brian has been preaching the merits of effective, participant-centered training design for two decades and his company recently launched an online tool named Soapbox to help people put together engaging training sessions within minutes.
Brian has led training departments in several nonprofit organizations where he has worked on initiatives to improve the foster care system and to cure blindness. He was named a top young trainer by Training magazine in 2011, holds a masters degree in Organizational Development and currently serves as the President-elect of ATD Puget Sound.
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Brian: @flipchartguy
Brent: @BSchlenker
Chris: @Chris_V_W
Brent Schlenker is dominKnow's Community Manager. Chris Van Wingerden is dominKnow's Sr. VP Learning Solutions.
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