Most skills will never be learned without actually DOING the skill. Duh. It's basic training 101 that if it's too expensive or too dangerous to simply practice a skill many, many, times, then you the design should include a simulated version of the skill. And all knowledge can only be valuable to a business if it is applied to the work being done. Well, coding skills and knowledge are neither dangerous nor expensive for learners to practice. And because of that fact, proving proficiency in coding skills should be easy to do. Or is it?
Brent Newhall joins us to talk about how the value of implementing a project-based assessment strategy will improve your training outcomes. After all, if they can't do the work by performing on a fake project, how are they going to handle the real projects? Brent will share his case study implementing a project-based assessment program for the Capital One Developer Academy's coding bootcamp.
This is another special episode of IDIODC where we get the chance to introduce you, the IDIODC community, to one of your peers who is out in the wild, doing the work.
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Brent: @BSchlenker
Chris: @Chris_V_W
Brent Schlenker is dominKnow's Community Manager. Chris Van Wingerden is dominKnow's Sr. VP Learning Solutions.
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