The corporate 9 to 5 isn't for everyone, and never has been. In a post-pandemic world nobody is even really sure what "work" looks like any more. Are you going back into the office? Maybe, you're in the office for half the week and working from home the other half. Or maybe not. It's been a frustrating experience for many, and a liberating experience for others.
Why liberating? Well, some IDs used their "pandemic time" to work on making their dream of freelancing become a reality. And you can too. It's never too late. But before you up and quit your corporate gig, you might want to think this through a little more deeply. You should at least start by freelancing on the side. Doing that can open all kinds of possibilities and prepare you for what's in store.
We've asked Cara North to join us and help everyone figure out and plan their future in freelance. It's a road traveled by many, but few are truly successful. Cara has 5 Tips that will get you started on the right path, with the right mindset, before you take the leap.
We hope you join us for this career-building conversation.
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Brent Schlenker is dominKnow's Community Manager. Chris Van Wingerden is dominKnow's Sr. VP Learning Solutions.
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