What happens when experienced Hollywood professionals join the corporate training industry and begin to solve real world safety and training problems? I get very curious. That's what happens. And when I find out they're creating successful training using Hollywood storytelling skills instead of instructional design methods, then I invite them to be on IDIODC to talk about it.
Jim Piechocki is part of a growing group of entertainment professionals taking advantage of new technologies like VR/AR/MR to deploy training solutions with high quality storytelling, production value, and game elements. Jim has successfully completed projects for major corporations like Microsoft, Amazon, META, and more. We'll discuss those projects as well as the market landscape for VR hardware and software and the general state of the eLearning industry.
Join us for this broad ranging, eye-opening, conversation and discussion that is sure to impact the direction of your career.
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Chris: @Chris_V_W
Brent Schlenker is dominKnow's Community Manager. Chris Van Wingerden is dominKnow's Sr. VP Learning Solutions.
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