Classroom training is still the most common method of delivering courses. Even after 2 decades of internet disruption and new technologies. It's not only time to change but we're way past it being the right time to change.
It's important to remember that training is an event while learning is a long-term process. Simple enough, right? Once you understand this simple truth you begin to realize how traditional classroom events are inadequate in supporting the entire learning process. We need to design more, or something totally different.
In this episode we're talking with Ann Rollins about her experiences moving event-based training to learning journeys.
We'll talk about active learning experiences that inspire learners, creating high-level learner personas and learning journeys that are integrated into other corporate initiatives. Ann will also share with us how existing tech infrastructure can be used to create a better learner experience.
In a post-pandemic world there are many new corporate initiatives that have a training component. Join us in this conversation and learn how to plan for success.
Ann is a modern learning champion. Unintimidated by global scale, she always has her eyes on the technology horizon to see how to improve and effectively scale the learning experience for her clients. As a Solutions Architect at The Ken Blanchard Companies, she takes a practical, design thinking approach to support her clients as they transform how leadership development happens and how learning ecosystem can support it today and tomorrow.
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