Have you ever been torn between your minimalistic values and saving a clean piece of aluminum foil to use some other time? I’ve been there, for sure. I went from saving everything “in case I needed it”, to tossing everything after one use. In many ways, I’m really glad I went through this transformation because it ultimately led me to finding a balance between those two things. I now keep what I will use while also managing to have a very minimalist and frugal home.
The PRE-ORDER for How to be a Minimalist — A Beginner’s Guide is up! Click HERE to see the details. I sincerely hope you enjoy the book and thanks for supporting me/my family/my work! The ebook will be out September 1st, paperback will be out in the next month or two.
The Prudent Homemaker Blog
Instagram @howtobeaminimalist
My book, How to be a Minimalist with Kids: Finding YOUR Kind of Minimalism
Broden and the Shark-Toothed Chicken — Book 1 of this chapter book series (should be marked as free)
My latest videos on YouTube:
Simple Crunchy Granola Recipe
Vegan Cheesy Fry Sauce
How to Make Cashew Yogurt
Sushi Bowl Salad
My Website: KatieCoughran.com — check here for my free books and to keep up to date
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