I learned about the Law of Attraction, Thoughts Become Things, and the Power of Positive Thinking nearly a decade ago, but I feel like I’m just now learning to harness the power of this kind of positivity, combined with knowing what I want, and also taking action. The final push for me giving these kinds of mindsets a try? Negativity was getting me nowhere.
Simple Crunchy Granola Recipe
Article on speaking to yourself in the 3rd person potentially making you wiser
Instagram @howtobeaminimalist
My book, How to be a Minimalist with Kids: Finding YOUR Kind of Minimalism
Broden and the Shark-Toothed Chicken — Book 1 of this chapter book series (should be marked as free)
My latest videos on YouTube:
Vegan Cheesy Fry Sauce
How to Make Cashew Yogurt
Sushi Bowl Salad
Here’s my website where you can find the freebies and other books I’ve published KatieCoughran.com
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