Like many people, I spend a LOT of time in the kitchen. I want my family to be well-fed and nourished, so — as difficult as it is some days — I put in the time. Having a well-organized menu, shopping list, and cupboards have helped me to be more efficient and make sure that my time is well-used. Whether you spend a lot or a little bit of time in the kitchen, I hope these tips help you to make yours a place you enjoy to be.
Article: What a Minimalist Kitchen Really Looks Like
Instagram @howtobeaminimalist
My latest videos on YouTube:
Vegan Cheesy Fry Sauce
How to Make Cashew Yogurt
Sushi Bowl Salad
My book, How to be a Minimalist with Kids: Finding YOUR Kind of Minimalism
Here’s my website where you can find the freebies and other books I’ve published
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