Nearly a decade ago, I gave up minimalism because of Imposter Syndrome. It made my life messy in many ways, but the worst part was that I gave in to feelings of inadequacy instead of the logical thoughts I had about finding my own kind of minimalism. I am so very thankful that I made better choices just a short way down the road, bringing me back to minimalism. It really is about finding YOUR kind of minimalism, being confident in practicing it, and knowing you’re on a unique adventure.
Here’s the article: Yes, Imposter Syndrome is Real: Here’s How to Deal with It
Hush, Now Forget — the Sisters of Bloodcreek Trilogy
Into the Wild by Erin Hunter (affiliate link to the ebook — thank you for your support at no additional cost to you!)
My Anthology of short stories and poetry, It Calls Me
Instagram @howtobeaminimalist
My latest videos on YouTube:
How to Make Cashew Yogurt
Sushi Bowl Salad
My book, How to be a Minimalist with Kids: Finding YOUR Kind of Minimalism
Here’s my website where you can find the freebies and other books I’ve published
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