In this episode, I share a talk I gave at a recent conference in April of 2023 at Christ the King Church of Cincinnati. Christ the King has launched King’s Domain as a ministry of their church to help bring biblical truth into the public square. The theme of the conference was “Clear Speech for a Confused Age.” For King’s Domain, this was a conference devoted to helping Christians speak plainly the teachings of the Bible for the glory of God and the good of the world.
The talk I delivered was on the topic of winsome third-wayism, a topic which I have discussed several times on this podcast. The talk was given in the style of polemics and I strike a tone which I am sure some might find disruptive, to say the least. My aim was to expose winsome third-wayism as a strategy of cultural engagement which is married to the secular spirit of our age and to equip Christian to think courageously about how to resist and combat this strategy in their churches and lives.
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