In this episode, Dr. Mattson and I discuss public theology (what it is and what it isn’t) particularly as it relates to Herman Bavinck. We also discuss how Christians can be good public theologians today. Do we need public theology? How do we decide when to risk access to the public square by saying things that could get us banned from the public square?
Brian Mattson is a theologian, writer, speaker. He has a B.A. from Montana State University-Billings, an M.A.R. from Westminster Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. in Systematic Theology from the University of Aberdeen (Scotland). He currently serves as Senior Scholar of Public Theology for the Center for Cultural Leadership and Adjunct Professor of Systematic and Public Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia). He lives in Billings, Montana with his wife and daughters, where he goes fly-fishing at every opportunity.
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