Episode description
Research shows that bad audio is the single most important factor in people stopping watching videos.
Simply put, bad audio means no viewers. And, of course, as video creators, we want viewers! So how can you improve the quality of your audio recording to get perfect audio for your videos?
As a beginner, it can be overwhelming stepping into the world of video. When you add audio into the mix, it becomes even more difficult to know what levers to pull to get the outcome you want.
Jake Pechtel is the Product Strategist for Camtasia and Audiate and has over seven years’ experience at TechSmith. In this episode, he shares some high-level tips and more advanced insights about how to achieve that perfect audio for your videos and keep your viewers watching for longer.
Learning points from the episode include:
- The three Cs of good audio
- Why beginners should prioritize simple, clean audio recordings
- The audio mistakes to avoid
- How to improve your audio recording skills
- How Audiate can help you get perfect audio
Important links and mentions:
- TechSmith Audiate: https://www.techsmith.com/audiate.html
- TechSmith High Five: Jewel Tolentino - Essetino Artists on YouTube https://youtu.be/jWGs0RsIj-k
- Reach out to us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TechSmith
- Tag us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/techsmith-corporation
- Email us: thevisuallounge@techsmith.com
- Matt’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/piercemr
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To read the blog post on the topic or watch the video, go to: https://www.techsmith.com/blog/perfect-video-audio