"NO!" We started learning that word form a very young age. Before we knew it, our life was filled with no, no, no's! So are we surprised that we have a hard time getting to "YES" in our lives? Then add to the fact that when we seek partners, jobs, the perfect place to live, the ultimate vacation, we are suddenly using a list of "Hard No's" and wondering why it is so hard to get what we want in life.
Cut the bullshit guys and look at your "hard no's" and ask yourself, "Is this the reason I'm so damn miserable! Here's some tips for working through the no, no, no's you might be using to limit yourself from success and happiness.
Hey Guys, Check This Out!Are you a guy who keeps struggling to do that thing? You know the thing you keep telling yourself and others you’re going to do, but never do? Then it’s time to get real and figure out why.
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Break free of fears. Make bold moves. Live life without apologies
P.S. get your free My Bold Life Manifesto, right here - rickclemons.com/manifesto/
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