Did you know that only 30% of men ask for divorce? And when they do, it's like they've committed the ultimate sin. So what happens when you're a guy, who realizes it is just not working for you and it's time to say "I love you but, I can't be with you!" No infidelity, no money issues, you simply just aren't on the same page. Stephen Warley, founder of Life Skills That Matters, takes us on a very personal journey about his decision to ask for a divorce and to free him and his wife to be happier apart rather than together.
About StephenStephen has been happily unemployable for 15+ years now. But it hasn’t always been that way. He's been stuck and got himself unstuck many times to transform myself from compliant employee into an accidental (formerly reluctant) entrepreneur
His journey to embrace the thread of his career has been a long and challenging one. In the end, it’s been totally worth it. He now lives and works on his terms.
There are loads of experiences, stories and emotions he shares from his career over the past 20 years on his podcast Life Skills That Matter.
He doesn't do social media, and he believes in purging on a regular basis, which makes him a minimalist. He is currently living a nomadic life for the next year to see what life will bring him.
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