What happens when you lose sight of joy, happiness, connection, and intent in your life? Us guys tend to keep a lot of that stuff on the surface and say, "I'm great, I'm fine," when in reality we become disconnected and hold it all inside.
Talking from the heart, Murray Guest - a leading Strength's coach out of Australia - shares an intimate conversation about creating new habits for creating joy in our lives as guys over 40.
About MurrayMurray Guest is one of Australia’s leading Strengths coaches, helping over 1,500 people unlock and apply their strengths to achieve their professional and personal goals. He shares his experiences from 20 years in corporate roles in manufacturing and learning and development to build teams and inspire people. As a Gallup certified Strengths coach he partners with leaders to build strengths-based cultures and realise the benefits a strengths-based approach brings. Murray is passionate about people getting to do what they do best every day and have conversations that matter. He loves mountain biking too!
Connect With MurrayHey Guys, Check This Out!Are you a guy who keeps struggling to do that thing? You know the thing you keep telling yourself and others you’re going to do, but never do? Then it’s time to get real and figure out why.
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