How often do you find yourself wishing you were better? Better at your job, better at your relationships, better at taking care of yourself, just simply better, better, better. It's a daily occurrence for me. Yet, I've also learned that the pursuit of better doesn't have to be drudgery, especially when it comes to taking better care of myself.
My friend Michelle Zellner, founder of Better Beings, is joining me today to dish out some better being advice for us guys. Yes, we've got a woman in the house and she's got some good stuff to share. Throw out our judgments, come with the mindset of being better and let's have some real talk for real men.
About MichelleThrough a combination of personal coaching, corporate training, and public speaking, Michelle has personally informed, influenced, and inspired thousands on their journeys to becoming better beings. Drawing on her 23+ years in the industry and her advanced degrees in wellness related education, she recently released her book, The YOU Revolution: the Journey of a Better Being, sharing her proven, practical strategies for true lifestyle change with an even wider audience.
Michelle Zellner Better Minds + Better Bodies = Better Beings The seeds for Michelle’s wellness career were planted at age seven, when she excelled as a competitive gymnast. Her childhood experiences led her to the University of Hawaii, where she studied study psychology and nutrition, followed by a Master’s in Kinesiology from C.U. Boulder and a Personal Trainer Certification. Today, Michelle continues to learn and lead in all areas of fitness, nutrition, mind-body practices, and overall well-being, cultivating her passion to for connecting with people and facilitating lasting lifestyle change.
Connect With MichelleHey Guys, Check This Out!Are you a guy who keeps struggling to do that thing? You know the thing you keep telling yourself and others you’re going to do, but never do? Then it’s time to get real and figure out why.
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