Many of us as gay men grew up always doing what was expected of us, trying to fit in, compartmentalizing our lives and never letting anyone see the side of us that unacceptable. We end up feeling isolated and alone, but we do what we do to be successful by every other external measure until the pain becomes to great.
In his new book, No More Neckties: A Memoir in Essays, Dr. Loren A. Olsen, MD, flings open the doors and reveals he wasn’t always a good boy. While not always noble and admirable, his stories show humanness to which everyone can relate:
Love and heartbreak
Cheating and forgiveness
Suicide and secrets
Men’s body image and sexuality
Being old and gay
In this book, Olson sends readers a message of hope and compassion, letting them know they are not alone in dealing with the hard stuff in their lives. Today he joins us to explore why it's time to ditch the neckties of living a joyless life.
About Loren
Dr. Loren A. Olson, MD, is the award-winning author of Finally Out: Letting Go of Living Straight and a distinguished life fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. A physician for over 50 years, he served as a flight surgeon in the US Navy and continues to practice psychiatry. A well-regarded essayist and popular speaker on mental health and LGBTQ issues, he has been interviewed on regional and national television, national and international radio, and in multiple print and online publications. Dr. Olson is the father of two daughters and a proud grandfather. A native of Wakefield, Nebraska, and a graduate of the University of Nebraska Medical School, he lives in Des Moines, Iowa, with Doug Mortimer, his husband and life partner of 35 years. His latest book is No More Neckties: A Memoir in Essays.
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