Guys just don't want to admit our changing bodies. We continue to try to do the stuff we did in our 20's, 30's and wonder why our changing bodies won't follow us into those places any longer. We become stubborn, ignore stuff, and before we know it, our changing bodies are saying screw you. What we most need to do is invite our bodies into the current decades where we play so that we can continue to play the game of life.
Elliott Kronenfeld, licensed social worker and certified sex therapist, lays it out in words us guys can understand about how to invite our changing bodies into our lives with each new day that we face. Candid, insightful, raw, and real, Elliott takes into the world of the changing bodies of the male species and provides us with powerful insights for loving the body we have, regardless of our age.
About ElliottElliott is a licensed social worker and certified sex therapist for individuals, couples and families that are dealing with issues that inhibit future growth and happiness. As the founder of Insight Brookline, he is committed to ensuring all clients have a positive and affirming experience. His specialties include infertility, Surrogacy/Adoption/Foster Care, family formation, life transitions/personal growth, men’s issues, military, and GLBTQQIA issues. He also works with people who are dealing with anxiety, grief and loss, adjustment/mood disorders and other concerns. His approach is solution focused, varied and includes a strength based perspective. Narrative therapy, CBT and interpersonal methods are often used.
After earning an MSW from Simmons College and spending time working in intense foster care/adoption and inpatient pediatrics, he worked internationally focused on gestational surrogacy and egg donation for gay men and women, and heterosexual couples/singles facing infertility. Having worked with individuals, couples and families around the world, he brings his International cultural experience to his private practice. Beyond clinical therapy, he also offers clinical practice business consulting and clinical and AASECT sex therapy supervision. He also holds an MS in Communications to support my work in relationship communications and is currently working on a Ph.D. in Human Sexuality.
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Hey Guys, Check This Out!
Are you a guy who keeps struggling to do that thing? You know the thing you keep telling yourself and others you’re going to do, but never do? Then it’s time to get real and figure out why.
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