What do you do when you hit that block wall in your life or your business, and you feel like, "Shit, this isn't ever going to change?" You lean into yourself, commit to putting yourself first, and humble up and look what's not working right in the eye and Fix This Next.
My buddy and mentor Mike Michalowicz once again swoops in to tell it like it is and to give you guys in mid-life a boost of "Get 'er done." Whether you are considering starting a business, leaving a job that no longer satisfies you, or trying to pump on the volume on your confidence to go for that next promotion, Mike helps us see how to kill the virus of self-doubt to move things along by simply figuring out what you need to fix next.
Also make sure you listen for a special gift I am giving at the end of the podcast to one lucky listener.
About MikeMike mi-KAL-o-wits is the author of Profit First, Clockwork, Surge, The Pumpkin Plan, and his newest release Fix This Next. By his 35th birthday, Mike had founded and sold two companies - one to private equity and another to a Fortune 500. Today he is running his third multi-million dollar venture, Profit First Professionals. Mike is a former small business columnist for The Wall Street Journal and the former business makeover specialist on MSNBC. Over the years, Mike has traveled the globe speaking with thousands of entrepreneurs, and is here today to share the best of what he has learned.
Connect With MikeHey Guys, Check This Out!Are you a guy who keeps struggling to do that thing? You know the thing you keep telling yourself and others you’re going to do, but never do? Then it’s time to get real and figure out why.
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