What happens when you wake up and realize that your marriage isn't working, but you don't hate each other - and there is clarity. Then you realize you need to feel security, so you move back to family - and there is clarity. And finally, you begin to realize you need to spread your wings and fly to find yourself again - and there is clarity. Mike Kim - the copywriting king - is a guy I met at a conference and over a cocktail, not only did we realize we bonded, but we saw the opportunity to share how clarity comes with M&M, and we're not talking about the candy M&M's either. Discover what happens when you let yourself do what you need to do to gain the right clarity as a guy who is 40+
About MikeMike Kim believes marketing isn’t about closing a sale but about opening a relationship. This refreshing approach has made him a sought-after copywriter and brand strategist for top experts, thought leaders, and influencers. When he’s not traveling, scuba diving, or enjoying a good Old-Fashioned, you can find him teaching everything he knows about thought leadership and copywriting through his top-ranked Brand You Podcast.
Connect With MikeYou can also listen to the podcast on…
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