You come into your gay life and for some, being a parent is dream. Or maybe you have kids from a previous heterosexual relationship and then your gay life brings a whole new dimension to the situation. Regardless, parenting is a joy and work but what you might not be prepared for is the maturing that you have to go through when the next becomes empty. My dear friend Dr. Elliott Kronenfeld joins me today for a candid conversation about doing empty nesting from the inside out and outside in.
About Elliott
Dr. Kronenfeld is a certified sex therapist, college professor, TEDx speaker, and published author.
His book Couples by Intention: Creating and Cultivating Relationships that Matter! was a #1 on Amazon for its category. He teaches sex and gender at the California Institute of Integral Studies in the US and in China. His specialties in sex therapy are fertility, infidelity recovery, intimacy skills, and men's sexuality.
He is a father of two adult children, one through international adoption, and one through gestational surrogacy. He and his husband are now starting to empty nest in the Ogunquit, Maine community.
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