If you're a Dad who's ever woke up feeling BLAH about your body, your energy, or the way you approach life, then it's probably time for you to be a Fitter, Healthier Dad. Even if you are not a Dad, this podcast will help you understand that it only take minor shifts to find yourself in yourself, even if you feel like your in pretty good shape.
Darren Kirby, thought he was a pretty in decent shape guy until he discovered he wasn't. That's when he decided to change everything. This is journey as a 40 Plus guy!
About DarrenFitter Healthier Dad Darren Kirby has targeted himself to help 1 million Dads improve their nutrition and fitness. This follows his own transformation 6 years ago from an overweight, stressed-out city worker (he lost 28kg), to now training to qualify for the Ironman 2020 World Championships in Kona! He broadcasts a weekly Podcast and believes passionately in providing information and actionable tips to help Dad's on their journeys towards a Fitter Healthier Life.
Connect With DarrenHey Guys, Check This Out!Are you a guy who keeps struggling to do that thing? You know the thing you keep telling yourself and others you’re going to do, but never do? Then it’s time to get real and figure out why.
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Break free of fears. Make bold moves. Live life without apologies
P.S. get your free My Bold Life Manifesto, right here - rickclemons.com/manifesto/
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