A quick welcome to Dad Hacked the Matrix by Dad himself as he prepares us for the high-stakes journey of exposing one of humanity’s most outrageous failings; the education of new generations on the subjects of, love, partnering and how our love of story conceals Nature’s impact on our actions while dooming each new generation to ignorance.
Such a fun song. Okay, what if I told you that sex as you know it isn't what you think it is at all? And that the stories that you've heard since childhood about sex and love and attraction, in your favorite songs and movies and books, the couples you see all around you and even your own relationships are just stories designed by humans to cover a deeper and far less impressive truth. If someone came to you with this knowledge, would you choose to see it? Or would you look away? If you believe that knowledge is truly power, then this podcast is going to be a very serious upgrade for you; whether you're a child in the schoolyard with your first crush, a teen or a young adult desperately trying to make sense of sex in the dating scene, or a grown up in the courthouse going through a nasty divorce. Because once you see it, it will free you and it will make your mind your own and it can absolutely save your life.
Welcome to Dad Hacked the Sex Matrix.
If you're a child, your parents and your schools are about to fail miserably in teaching you the most important things about human sexuality. And if you're already a grown-up well then they've already failed you. But don't get too offended; it turns out this is pretty much what humans have done since we developed speech.
Human beings use stories to dignify, justify and to comfort themselves. What you're about to learn will not sound like anything you've heard before, because it is human sexuality and intimacy stripped of all story. It is what hard facts sound like without the comfort of a narrative. To fully absorb the message in Dad Hacked the Sex Matrix, you must be able to wrap your head around three main ideas and accept these as facts.
If you don't understand the planet you live on, you'll never truly understand your species. If you don't understand your species, you have no hope of understanding yourself or anyone else for that matter. And because most generations of adults have little or no understanding of why they do what they do, humans are stuck in a cycle of perpetual ignorance, generation after generation, for as long as we've been around and forever more.
You have a choice to make. Do you follow along with the herd thinking what they think, doing what they do and blending in? Or will you dare to take a look behind the stories to find out why humans do the things they do?
To find out the truth.
Episode One awaits.
Dad Hacked the Sex Matrix has been brought to you by Citizen Street Productions.