Above photograph © Ashok Sinha
How central is your personal drive and unique creative vision to the pictures you make? If these characteristics strike a chord or are traits to which you aspire, then you won’t want to miss our inspiring chats with photographers Ashok Sinha and Anabel DFlux. We caught up with both of these accomplished creatives earlier this year at B&H’s 2023 Depth of Field Conference.
We begin with architectural photographer Ashok Sinha, whose personal project to document iconic mid-century structures and classic cars in Southern California resulted in the crowd-pleasing monograph Gas & Glamour, now in its second printing. Sinha offers valuable insights about how channeling his passions and not overthinking the details allowed him to bring his photography career to new heights—resulting in his work being displayed as a massive billboard in downtown LA, released as limited-edition NFTs, and featured in gallery exhibitions in collaboration with an international fashion brand.
After the break, professional animal photographer Anabel DFlux describes how she fashioned a personal penchant for pets into a sustainable career path while still a teen. Yet, despite her clear passion for and talent with pets, DFlux reaches beyond a single photographic specialty to cultivate work across multiple niches—including the heady realm of rock and roll.
Check out these real-life career examples and walk away with an equal measure of inspiration and practical tips.
Guests: Ashok Sinha and Anabel DFlux
For more information on our guests and the gear they use, see:
Ashok Sinha Website: https://ashoksinha.com
Ashok Sinha Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ashoksinhaphoto
Ashok Sinha Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ashok.sinha.3720
Ashok Sinha Twitter: https://twitter.com/ashoksinhaphoto
Ashok Sinha YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ashoksinha2167
Ashok Sinha Gas and Glamour book: https://ashoksinha.com/BOOK/1
Anabel DFlux Website: https://www.deliquesceflux.com
Anabel DFlux Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anabeldflux
Anabel DFlux Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DeliquesceFlux
Anabel DFlux YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/anabeldflux
Anabel DFlux at Sigma: https://blog.sigmaphoto.com/author/anabel-dflux
Pelican Cases Link: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/browse/Pelican/ci/4457/N/4232860887