The B&H Photography Podcast team sends a huge end-of-the-year thank you to our listeners around the world and to the many guests who joined us for our weekly conversations. There’s little need to overstate the difficulties of the past year, but we’re all still here, still taking pictures, and we’re still making this podcast week in, week out. It truly has been a gratifying and unflappable pleasure to produce this show and hopefully it continues to provide some insight, some inspiration, and a few good stories.
Despite the adjustments of remote recording, or perhaps because of them, we expanded our circle of photography to include conversations on photomicrography, on the fine art nude, on skate photography, and photo “how-to” books. We spoke with artists and economists about NFTs, discussed protest photography and issues of community and migration. We had episodes on food and wedding photography, bird photography, the freelance business, and, as always, we did our gear episodes, including the seventh annual Cameras of the Year show. I encourage you to take a look back at the wide range of subjects we covered this year and let us know your favorite episodes, as well topics you’d like us to take on in the new year.
Finally, and although this episode is not from 2021, we end the year with an encore presentation of our conversation with rock-n-roll photographer Mick Rock. Sadly, we lost Mick in November, but we’re solaced by the memory and pleased to present this chat, which was recorded at his home, in Staten Island, and is certainly one of our all-time favorite episodes. Thank you, Mick, and thank you again to our listeners. Happy New Year.
Photograph Courtesy of the Collection of Bill Shapiro