We want to celebrate our guest Alexis Cuarezma in this encore presentation and also note what great info this episode offers for those interested in portrait lighting, especially for dance and sports photography. Alexis' career has been growing steadily since he joined us in 2019, he recently presented at the Eddie Adams Workshop and will be speaking at ImagingUSA in January 2022 and at the very interesting Pas de Deux Dance Photography Conference in Austin, Texas in February, 2022. Enjoy.
On today’s episode of the B&H Photography Podcast, we welcome California-based advertising, sports, dance, and fashion photographer (and director), Alexis Cuarezma, who packs a considerable amount of practical and creative insight into our hour-long conversation. Ostensibly, Cuarezma was joining us to talk about his lighting techniques and, while he does dive deep into lighting schemes, we discuss so much more. Cuarezma is generous with is thoughts on production, composition, models, gear, self-promotion, and marketing really anything that he understands to help him in his burgeoning photo business.
Just a glance at his work, and one will realize why Cuarezma is here to discuss lighting techniques, he has shot for Sports Illustrated (including six covers),Fortune magazine, Ring magazine, the New York Times, and his clients include Nike. Cuarezma emphasizes his belief that getting it right “in-camera” is the key to his success, not just for the sake of the final image, but for his creative process. Researching, planning, arriving early, being hands-on in every phase of the work, and understanding that your vision, when properly executed, will win over a client, is the other key to his success.
With Cuarezma we discuss his decision-making process when creating a portrait; each of the small problems that needs to be solved to create the desired look that works best for his particular subject. While comfortable renting the needed gear to fulfill each project, he also discusses the gear he owns and uses, including Profoto B1 lights, Rosco Gels, and his Canon 5DS R. Join us for this insightful and very educational episode.
Guest: Alexis Cuarezma
Photograph © Alexis Cuarezma