This week’s episode of the B&H Photography Podcast is an old-fashioned hands-on review, but in this case, made with six hands. Allan, Jason and I were fortunate to be loaned the Leica Q2 Digital Camera and the Leica Q2 Monochrom Digital Camera and we use our consideration of these 47MP cameras as a springboard to talk about camera grips, and point-and-shoot cameras, and value. We also talk about macro photography and cropping and about how to create black and white images from color files.
We start the conversation mentioning the specs and features of these two incredible cameras and each offer our pros and cons; the features we liked best and those we felt lacking. Autofocus, body design, focal length, and responsiveness are mentioned. Other Leica cameras such as the Leica M10-P get discussed too as do the practical differences between rangefinders with removable lenses and point-and-shoots. Join us for this casual chat about photography and about how each of us, with our different workflows, aesthetics, and goals found these cameras to be versatile yet also challenged us to create better images.
Photograph © Allan Weitz