Oskar talks to Ronny Leber. Ronny is an Austrian keynote speaker, TV host and event emcee for corporate and sports events. He has worked live with more than 5 million people worldwide over the course of his career. Ronny has been personally trained by and worked with the number 1 life and business coach Tony Robbins.
Ronny’s vocation is to inspire people to keep reaching for their dreams, and to ignite a lasting and motivating spark in them. It is his passion to entertain people and create magic moments – with them and for them. All guests should experience extraordinary and unforgettable emotions they take back into their lives and daily routines.
Oskar and Ronny discuss talking dreams into reality.
The purpose of the Strategic Tech Coaching system is to help you future-proof yourself so you can live a happy, successful and productive life today and also in the future. One way of doing this is by sharing inspiring stories from cool people around the world.
Here you can find out more about Ronny Leber - Instagram LinkedIN Twitter. Website.
Here you can learn more about Strategic Tech Coaching - Instagram. Website.
Would you like to hire Oskar as a keynote speaker on how you can future-proof yourself or your organization? Learn more here.